Unification is the process of matching two terms by finding a suitable substitution to their variables, also known as the most general unifier (MGU hereafter).
In 2P-Kt, unification utilities are encapsulated in the Unificator
interface, which is partially implemented by the AbstractUnificator
Unification is provided by three functions:
mgu(Term, Term): Substitution
tries to unify two Terms, returning the MGU if it succeds, or the Fail object otherwise;match(Term, Term): Boolean
tells whether two Terms match each other, that is there's a MGU for them;unify(Term, Term): Term?
tries to unify two Terms, possibly returning the unified Term in case of success.
Creating Unificators
Unificator's companion object provides three default implementations of the Unificator interface:
uses plainequals
to determine Terms identity (likestrict
) and exploits a LRU cache with a fixed default capacity;naive()
compares numbers by their value;strict()
uses plainequals
to determine Terms identity.
The strict
and naive
versions can also be called by giving them a starting unification context to start with, which is simply a Substitution
object containing pre-determined variable bindings that the user wishes to employ when unifying. Such behaviour can be obtained as follows:
val context: Substitution = ...
val strict = Unificator.strict()
val strictWithContext = Unificator.strict(context)
Caching Unificators through decoration
Optionally, unificators can also be enabled to cache their results between several operations. This is easily accomplished by decorating them through the companion object's cached
method, which wraps them in a CachedUnificator instance, allowing them to store a limited amount of requests (default is 32) and repeating their response when necessary.
val unificator = Unificator.default
val cached = Unificator.cached(unificator) // default cache size
val smaller = Unificator.cached(unificator, capacity = 5) // stores up to 5 requests
By default, requests are cached following a LRU strategy (least recently used).
Enabling/disabling occurs-check
The unification algorithm performs occurs-check by default. However, this check can be disabled by specifying the occurCheckEnabled: Boolean
parameter when calling the aforementioned methods. For example:
val unificator = Unificator.default
val subtitution = unificator.mgu(term1, term2, occurCheckEnabled = false)
Note that this mechanism does not work when using the infix, operator-like variants of the unification functions.
Infix variants
Unificator's companion object provides a handy alternative for calling unification functions in the form of infix methods.
These variants -- namely mguWith
, matches
, unifyWith
-- allow developers to employ unification features in a more light and intuitive way, by exploting the syntactic tools provided by the Kotlin language.
This allows us to compute the MGU between two Terms simply by writing:
import it.unibo.tuprolog.unify.Unificator
val substitution = term1 mguWith term2
Keep in mind that these default variants always perform occurs-check, since they employ the implementations provided by Unificator.default
Implementing different unification strategies
Implementing custom Unificators comes down to defining the checkTermsEquality
method from the AbstractUnificator
class. This method is used by the unification algorithm to test whether two terms are matching.
Say we want to define a Unificator that compares numeric values by their absolute value. Then, we can write a new instance of AbstractUnificator
that compares numbers like so:
val unificator = object : AbstractUnificator() {
override fun checkTermsEquality(first: Term, second: Term): Boolean = when {
first is Integer && second is Integer ->
first.value.absoluteValue.compareTo(second.value.absoluteValue) == 0
first is Numeric && second is Numeric ->
first.decimalValue.absoluteValue.compareTo(second.decimalValue.absoluteValue) == 0
else -> first == second
Notice how the default case still relies on checking term equality through the ==
operator, which aliases the Term.equals
This example shows how you can create custom unificator instances on-the-fly, but the same approach can be adopted if you want to extend the hierarchy by proper sub-classing.